
The loyalty program provides new customers with discounts on warehouse goods in the amount of:

 1.     3% - for a one-time purchase of goods in the amount of UAH 40,000.00 with VAT or with the accumulated amount of purchases from UAH 100,000.00 with VAT for 2023

2.     5% - for a one-time purchase of goods in the amount of UAH 75,000.00 with VAT or with the accumulated amount of purchases from UAH 150,000.00 with VAT for 2023

3.     7% - for a one-time purchase of goods in the amount of UAH 150,000.00 with VAT or with the accumulated amount of purchases from UAH 300,000.00 with VAT for 2023

The discount does not apply to packaging materials, delivery. Discounts do not add up to other discounts, including discounts on promotional and discounted goods.